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When You Find Out Someone Else Has The Same Amazing Idea…

Today on facebook I was happily surprised to find out that my idea for scanning in found objects is not original!  I have been scanning in rocks, sea glass, and lately a multitude of dried, pressed, or fresh flowers rather than taking photos because the effect of scanning is so incredibly detailed and beautiful, unique, and amazing!
Here are a few of my latest creations which will be used in some way in my upcoming creations for the Whatcom Art Market space.  I am also happy to report that ALL 6 of my Sunflowers have now sold, along with a few candles, succulents, and postcards.  Thank you to all of those who were kind enough to shop and buy some of my creations!  It makes my heart very happy that you found something that hopefully brings you joy.  My favorite customer today was my mother-in-law, who would not take them from me, but insisted on buying a candle and some post cards to support my success.  Ah, so sweet!
Enjoy a few of these latest creations and let me know what you think!


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Dollar Tree

I know money doesn’t grow on trees
But at Refind Creations sand dollars do!
Sand dollars are one of my favorite Refind Nature sources. The intricate details were created by my favorite Artist! I just embellished those perfections with acrylic and gold pigment to create a unique ornament that can be displayed all year. Mine hangs on my rearview mirror to remind me that the creator of the universe took the time to include minute and magnificent beauty in the details of a simple sand dollar. He loves texture and patterns and leaves his unique fingerprint on every design, as seen below. If you’re out shopping for unique gifts this month please stop by. They are $5 each!
Whatcom Art Market