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Petals In Process – Dogwood

Dogwood petals have been blooming all around and I particularly love the pink ones with their speckles and subtle tints. I had been asking if anyone had any for me to pluck for the past week or so as I want to see how they do with drying, pressing, and for use in my Petals as Paint process. Will they hold up to adhesives? Will the beautiful pinks go brown? Will they become brittle and turn into potpourri?

I finally plucked some at the cemetery on Mother’s Day when I went to put pink carnations on my mom’s headstone. The texture is soothing and the shapes are so beautiful.

Yesterday a friend from work said I could come pluck as many as I want from her front year, so I happily arrived with scissors and a bag which I quickly filled with about a hundred curly, flat, and angelic blooms!

Pink Dogwood Blossom
  • Rebirth and resurrection, particularly through the story of Jesus Christ
  • Christianity as a whole
  • Pity and regret over a specific decision or a situation that was beyond your control
  • Durability and reliability
  • Strength and resilience
  • Purity, especially in a religious or spiritual sense
  • A signal of affection to someone who may not reciprocate it

Now all those blossoms have been scanned and are in the drying mode. The majority are in silica for a few days while several were in the dehydrator overnight. So many beautiful ways to enjoy God’s Creations! – Next up, Rhododendrons!

Pink dogwood in silica
Pink Dogwood Blossoms ready for silica
Rhododendron Blossoms Dried