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I prayed, “Surround me”. 

I asked for God to put people in my life who would help move me toward my dreams come true. 

I dreamed of returning to “normal” after two years of being shut down.

I dreamed of having people return to my studio to create with me.

I dreamed of sponsoring a health fair.

I dreamed of selling my art and designs.

Dreams are beautiful.  They are creative.  They are inspiration.

Dreams are not a plan.

Dreams lead to goals and goals lead to plans.

So, I asked for some people to help.  That’s a hard prayer for me because I am an introvert.  I am self-sufficient.  I am a bit of a loner.  I do not like group projects.  I do not like team sports.  I play tennis.  I read.  I write.  I create. All by myself. 

Since 2019 I’ve been blessed to have my own studio space.  It occurred to my husband that I would be much more creative and comfortable if I could get away from the house and have my own space.  So we found a little area in a loft above a furniture store.  Within a month or two I was longing to have a space where other people could come and create. By donation.  Free if needed.  And they did.  And it was so much fun.  Until a certain pandemic which shall remain unnamed arrived and shut me down within three months.

Why would an introverted, self-sufficient, loner want to open her precious space up for others?  Why would I have a deep desire to host a health fair?  Why would I want to put myself out there and give up my solitude and serenity?

I believe God plants desires in our hearts and he promises to send the right people at the right time help move his kingdom forward.  How, pray tell, does an art studio have anything to do with moving his Kingdom?  Seems far fetched and highly unlikely, right?

All I can say is that the space I ended up in is inspiring.  There is a sense of creativity that just oozes out of the pores of those 100-year-old Chuckanut sandstone walls!  There is a beauty to the light that fills the space through the skylights.  There is a joy that is created by loving the creator and allowing him to allow me to use my gifts to create and bless others.  It is absolutely a blessing to share what I have been given.

So, in April when the world seemed like it was going to survive the pandemic and finally move forward, it was hard to imagine people coming in person again to create. 

First step forward was to re-start the Acrylics Special Interest group for Whatcom Art Guild.  In 2018 I started this little group that met for an hour prior to our monthly member meetings and we had a lot of fun learning about techniques involving acrylics.  When the pandemic hit, that space went away as well and the space we meet at now is not conducive to restarting the group.

So, I volunteered to host the group in my studio and thus began the answer to my prayers.  I became surrounded by artists who love to create.  And they loved my studio.  And that led to considering a new idea.  What if they started teaching classes in my space?  We could share in the joy of creating, teaching, sharing, and that would lead to making the space financially sustainable.  I was surrounded.

Then I really put my self out there. And I got surrounded!

I saw a group on Facebook called “BeGreatWomen” who meet monthly for lunch at a local Italian restaurant. I figured, what the heck. Surrounding myself means I have to leave my comfort zone and decide to participate. I answered a post on the page and the delightful lady who administers that site answered right away and set up a time to come visit my studio. Dori Eppstein is a firecracker. She has dreams, too. And she makes goals that lead to plans. She invited me to come talk about my studio at the next luncheon. It was nerve-wracking to stand up in front of a group of women I’ve never met to talk about my art, classes I wanted to have, and share my dreams. I gave each of them a little gift and next thing I know I had interest in doing a project with pressed flowers! My first in-person event in ages.

I started a new MeetUp Group called the Curious Creatives. Again, people showed up! They wanted to create, build a little community, and get out of their homes after sheltering for so so long.

I restarted my drop in studio. My favorite thing is to just open up the space, put out the supplies and let people create. It is the absolutely most joyful experience to have such a variety of people show up. The scissors come out. The paint flies. The markers, paper, glue… it’s all there and ready to use. I am surrounded by people who want to create for the sake of creating!

So, I tried it again. Next group I saw on Facebook was called “Amazing Women”. I thought, well, I don’t know how amazing I can be but I’ll just do it! I went to their dinner at a local restaurant and met the most AMAZING women! I met a lady who makes tiles who was so delightful. She ended up bringing her daughter to “Spa Day” and creating a bunch of yummy personal care items. My second in-person event in ages! I met a very kind lady named Britt from “Growing Your Traffic” who later met with me by phone about how to market my art and we ended up collaborating to do a workshop in my studio where she is teaching many of the Art Guild members how to market their art as well! Surrounded!

Being surrounded was an answer to prayer. And the answers to my prayers have names.  Candice ChristieJanille Dutton.  They are so creative, so accomplished, and such a blessing to my creative life.  They are part of the Whatcom Art Guild and Candice has been extremely involved in getting our Acrylics Special Interest Group off the ground by creating lessons and experiments and activities.  She’s dynamic and oh so creative.  Janille is a prolific acrylic pour artist and has years of experience and knowledge to share.  She is detailed in her work and puts all her heart into everything she creates. 

Then came another answer.  I was scrolling through Facebook one morning and came across a class called “Inking Florals” with Kimberly Snider.  I loved her designs and the plans for a workshop at the local coffee shop so I reached out to tell her congratulations and ask if she ever wanted to set up workshops in my studio that I was signing up artists.

I met with Kim and we became instant friends.  She loved my work.  She bought my work!  She supports my work and ideas and I just love her work and am so thankful to collaborate with her!

Then came another answer.  I got a message on facebook from a guy named Colin who said he’d like to teach in my studio.  I’m not even sure where he found out about me.  I invited Colin to come in and meet with me.  Colin is a 31-year-old single dad who adores his little girl.  He is a self-taught abstract acrylics artist who is absolutely passionate about his art.  I loved him instantly.  He is going to be a great addition to the roster of artists. 

And then came another answer named Harmony.  Harmony Theissen is an accomplished artist with a long list of creative endeavors in her history.  Having recently moved to the area, she is trying to establish herself locally by participating in the Art Guild and showing in their gallery and gift shop.  She met Candice, who has become my walking talking marketing department, during a shift at the Whatcom Art Market and I am so blessed to say that Harmony has agreed to teach a very exciting introduction to creativity. 

We are so blessed to all get to work together to spread the gifts of creativity we’ve been blessed with.  God created us to live, love and create!

I am surrounded.

I am loved.

I am so very grateful.

Please take a look at the upcoming classes, workshops, events and courses we have planned and please take a look at the bio of each artist as well.  You will be so blessed. I can’t wait to surround myself with more creative, loving, and blessed people!

The health fair, by the way, is still in the dream stage. We shall see how the plan develops!