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Refind Refind

I did it! I spent all afternoon taking down everything in my space at Whatcom Art Market and completely redesigning it to feature Art Inspired by Nature– almost every piece is made from or inspired by flowers from my garden and others.
On the right I installed an antique door to use as a feature piece to display door-decor! It will change with the seasons to make a centerpiece display. Since autumn arrives this week I decorated the door with garlands of artificial leaves and sunflowers to highlight several door decor items I created.
Center of the door has cork and architectural pieces from antique doors and drawers.
To the left of the door are two more corks and roses themed with antique door hardware acting as a vase holding dried roses.
In front of the door is an antique milk can filled with garden stakes — sunflowers made of cork, pine cone scales and vintage lighting fixture pieces. There are a couple old cupboard doors as well. One is Birchwood and the other autumn leaves.
In the center of the space I’m featuring ceramic tiles hand”painted” with flower petals in various designs. Another highlight is a framed elderberry flower in reflection. And finally one of my favorites– paper doll dresses flanked with matching flower petals. So far there is blue hydrangea, yellow orchid, and pretty pink petals.
On the left I have the postage-paid postcards, a few palette clipboards, and a new item — 4×4 ceramic tiles covered in various petals or handmade paper cutouts – a magnet on the back to decorate your refrigerator if you like.
I feel blessed to have this opportunity to participate in a vibrant art market and guild with so many talented people surrounding me and encouraging me!
Stop by if you’re out and about in Fairhaven and see what catches your eye!


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Another tile almost finished! This one is a gradient mosaic of hydrangea petals on ceramic tile. These will be on sale at Whatcom Art Market starting this week! My space will be transformed and a lot of new creations are on the way!
These designs will be available in print, postcards, and whatever else I can come up with. They make me happy!! Enjoy the Art of Nature ❤️


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Flower Power

I met a nice lady recently who loves the art of flowers like I do– only she’s been doing her art for many years while I have only started recently.
I made this jewelry display for her so when she goes to craft fairs or farmers market she has a pretty, flower inspired board.
It’s made with old berry flats, architectural hardware and lots of dried flowers. I wish her great success with her beautiful designs and the joy of creating! For Nancy — For the Luv of Flowers


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I just returned from vacation and stopped by the Whatcom Art Market to pick up my commission for August. I was humbled, shocked, dismayed and grateful for sales over $400! As I approach the one year anniversary of Refind Creations I am so happy that the ideas, inspirations, and pure love of Refinding has been blessed by God! All glory to Him who inspires me with his designs and lets me have so much fun! Thank you to all who took time to shop in our local Art Market.

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Autumn Rainstorm

Rainstorms in September are still colored in shades of summer. Black Eyed Susan and a few sunflower petals illuminated by that sunny-rainy mix as autumn approaches illuminates my heart as well

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Close your eyes
Feel the cool breeze waft over the bay
Feel the setting sun upon your tear stained cheeks
Ponder the joy, sorrow, bittersweet and victorious life you have
Listen to the calls of she gulls and he gulls as they dip and soar
Smell the briny air as it freshens your spirit
Open your blurry eyes filled with tears of renewal, strength and refreshment
See the sunset reflecting in the bay, the stormy clouds on the horizon alight with glorious fire and see the gentle slope of Lummi and Orcas Islands
Ponder, pray, praise, visualize.
