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I love living in the PNW because of the seasons. Seasons herald change. Seasons of life, seasons of flavors, seasonal activities… I’m one of the few people I know who actually like change. Change is a sign of new growth, new opportunities, and keeps our lives interesting! To everything there is a time and a season and this is another for me!


The spring time will bring with it a change of location for where I create my art. I am leaving my beautiful studio in downtown Bellingham and moving all those art supplies from 700 square feet to about 120! Sorry garage.. you’re the overflow.


I have also secured a booth to sell my art at Whatcom Art Market. It has a fond place in my heart as my original “home” for selling my first art pieces. I have joined over 40 local artists in the co-op in beautiful historic Fairhaven. I hope you’ll find an opportunity to stop in and see what my latest creations entail!


One of the biggest blessings of my studio has been the community of artists who have joined me in offering fun and informative creative classes and workshops. One of the obstacles in moving out is to figure out where to meet to continue our journey in sharing our creativity with the community. I reached out to a local coffee shop known for supporting local artists. They have generously offered space and time for our classes and workshops! Miraculous!

To see what we have for you, just take a look at the “Events” page on my website and sign up for anything that catches your eye or send me a message if there is something particular. I will still be offering the free drop in studio but not necessarily every second Monday. They will be posted on my website or on my MeetUp group so keep your eye out and I’ll try to send out messages to you when one is planned.

While I have these final few weeks at my studio, much of my time is being spent clearing it out, giving stuff away, moving and storing supplies. I will have the final in-studio drop in on Monday, February 13, from 6-8pm. I know my faithful friends Alina and Helena will be there quietly working on art journals or just doodling. It has been my joy to open my space to these ladies and so many more. I look forward to sipping coffee or a cup of tea with you in the future at Black Fern Coffee Shop!

Our first workshop is scheduled for Saturday, March 11. Artist Candice Christie is going to be offering a quarterly introduction to cold wax and oil painting. I took the intro last month and I can tell you it is one of the most delicious forms of art I’ve experienced! We now meet monthly to keep learning. Once you take the intro class you are welcome to join the monthly lessons as well! Sign up here to get started with your next creative addiction!

Change can be challenging. It can be rewarding. It can bring further blessing. I will miss my beautiful studio but I am looking forward to this new season with all my heart. It would bring me joy to share it with you!

PS – I’ll have a table set up on Wednesday, February 15, at Connect Family Chiropractic for their annual Ladies Night Out. Stop by and see me!