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Today is Thanksgiving and yesterday was my 59th Birthday. That means that in 1963, the day after President Kennedy was killed, I bounced into the world! I was born to a single mom with an older brother and I have been very blessed to be here ever since.

If you follow me on facebook or instagram you may have already read this. Read it again. If you are in a position to donate in the name of my birthday and in the name of all that is good an holy, I fully support the mission of the Bellingham Lighthouse Mission and would be honored to have $5 sent to them as a gift to me and them.

By Gods Grace I’ve never been homeless or helpless. I’ve never gone a day without food or love or grace. I am blessed and my soul is crushed when I look in the eyes of someone laying splayed out in a park or parking lot in 25 degree or 85 degree weather and I pray it’s never my child. Sometimes we get frustrated with their choices. Sometimes we judge correctly but that’s not love. Sometimes we get angry with one who lives so far outside the boundaries of humanity. Sometimes we think they are choosing. And sometimes they are.

Sometimes we say get a job like that’s an easy answer. Sometimes I say where’s your mother and I’m a mother who can understand the loss of relationship when in crisis. Maybe they should be cast out of society altogether. Maybe they should be housed and fed. Maybe it costs too much. Maybe it’s not a matter of resources. Maybe. The problem is too big. There is no one solution. There is no one answer. What if we each just did one thing to make it better? One small thing. Anything. God us big. There is a solution. But until there’s a final solution then donate to places that have a plan.

Give the guy splayed in the parking lot who looks like he might be dead more than a kick to see if he is. Ask him if he needs anything. Give him a bag of food and smile when he says how did you know all my favorite things?? Ease one burden. Listen to one story. Whisper one prayer when they spin around on one foot shouting at an unseen being and laughing maniacally. Imagine him as an innocent baby; imagine what he’d feel like if he could eat a hot meal. Take a hot shower. Get a clean pair of socks. Imagine.

Then act in it by donating $5 to those who’ve dedicated their time and resources. There is a lot of blame to go around and lots of speculation and desperation and responsibility and disability. So many opinions and distrust and lies and truth. Confusion. Delusion. Judgement. Self righteousness. Right. Wrong. Just give. It’ll do us more good than them. It’ll do them more good than not. It’ll be an act of love. A drop in a sea of troubles that will be blessed. Thank you. 💕

Thank you to each and every one of you who took the time to participate in the creativity of my studio over the past six months. From Whatcom Art Guild Acrylics Group to Drop in Studio guests; from acrylic pour to glue and paper, it has been my absolute joy to get to know the teaching artists, those visiting from out of town and found a place to create, those who came from out of town purposefully to create, those who “accidentally” stopped in and fell in love with my joyful place, and to my family who cheers me on – Happy Thanksgiving and All God’s blessings on each of you!

I have so many ideas and plans and if you are so inclined I would appreciate prayers to the ultimate Creator, who created us in his image and that means we are created to create! As I make a new business plan and prayerfully decide what to do in 2023 and beyond, I joyfully await the adventure and hope you’ll tag along!


Refind Creations Studio

2 thoughts on “Thankfulness

  1. Beautiful and thoughtful Belinda. Thank you for advocating for those in need. And I hope it blesses your heart to know we do give to the lighthouse mission as well.
    Happy thanksgiving 🍁
    Cheryl and family

    1. Indeed! Thank you so much, Cheryl, for supporting the mission and MY mission! Happy Thanksgiving.

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